I miss

Time: *11:35 a.m*
Location: *PDC*
Mood: *Sweeet, lil boring*

Dear ` Piggilie

Imma meeting you tonight..
Feeling so excited..
Its been months since I last hugged u..
How have you been?
What have you been up to lately?

You're pink,
I love it.

Youre somehow stinks,
I adore it.

You do not speak much,
and for that
I appreciate it.

I wanna hug you through the night.
I wanna share my thoughts with you under the moonlight.
I want you to kiss me yet not saying goodbye.
I want us to hold each other tight.
Without any Hesitation Tonight!

Just wanted you to know ..
I love u as much as i love momo

Ps: just wanna be with you for eternity.

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